Benchmark Properties
Resources / Net Effective Rate Calculator
Input field is number of months, e.g. 5 years is 60 months, 10 years is 120 months, 10.5 years is 126 months.
Input number is the avearge base rent over the term, e.g. 5 years at $45, 5 years at $50.00 Average Rent = $47.50.
Enter number of months free rent. If Owner is performing buildout, include add'l 6 months in total amount.
Enter amount of Landlord Cash Contribution toward Tenant buildout.
Equal to the dollar value of the free rent. Equal to (a) months of free rent / 12 *
(b) the average rent.
Equals Cash Contribution + Free Rent Value.

To view calculations please enter your contact information:

Average rent less the amortized Total Value of Concessions